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Behind the Vision Council

Certainly the Vision Council has a tremendous potential to become an exciting tool for local community empowerment. However, a close examination of the theories behind the program is most definitely in order. There are many important questions still in need of exploration: what would happen if the Vision Council idea was adapted to higher levels of government? How much power should "the people" have? What are the possible repercussions of building up the power of the majority? How could the power of the majority effect the stability of the legislature and administration? Could the power of the majority become tyrannical? How much power might the majority exercise over thought?

     The idea that the majority has the right to govern society was brought by some of the first visitors to Native America. As we all know, those first visitors prospered while the original inhabitants declined. With the prominence of the visitors, came the prominence of their political inclinations.

     The idea of "majority rules" has been around for along time. However, it is important to carefully examine the majority whenever we plan to strengthen its power over the American way of governing.

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