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Majorities effect on the Legislature

In some ways, it is frightening to imagine the potential power of the Vision Council. Legislative officials are already over-pressured by their constituents. There is a reason why the legislature is appointed directly by the people and for very short terms. In short, we want them to do what we say. But, is there a point at which the pressure to obey becomes too strong? One may think so. It forces representatives to produce on the spot, whether the policies and plans have been properly prepared, or not. How can a representative work with long term goals if the public is breathing down his or her back every step of the way? "As the majority is the only power whom it is important to please, all its projects are taken up with great ardor; but as soon as its attention is turned elsewhere, all these efforts cease; whereas in free European states, where the administrative authority has an independent existence and an assured position, the legislator's wishes continue to be executed even when he is occupied by other matters"(Tocqueville 249). One needs to look only as far as a American political campaign to see this phenomena of constituent pressure in action. Candidates are forced to make promises to the public in order to get elected. For example, consider the battle over health care reform, or balancing the budget. We as constituents expect answers to our problems. When our representatives fail to produce their promises, they are less likely to be reelected. Most complicated problems take longer than the term limits to be solved. Health care and balanced budget solutions are simply too complicated to bring even closer to the public. We must never forget to check up on our representatives, but when it comes to tough issues, representatives need space to work. Adding to the power of the majority may hinder rather than help.

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